Warum dein voreingebrannter Wok und die Pfannen nicht für immer schwarz bleiben wird - pasoli GmbH

Why your pre-seasoned wok won't stay black forever

Your wok
As you know, your hand-hammered wok is made of pure carbon steel - nothing else. Carbon steel is naturally gray.

Why the pre-seasoned wok is black
The wok's black color at the beginning is due to the baking process. He was completely exposed to a temperature of several hundred degrees Celsius. However, this is a temporary situation.

Why the color of steel changes
By the way: Other colors are also possible, because carbon steel changes its color depending on the temperature. For example, your wok can also become purple or blue. This process is called tarnishing or tempering color.
The "normal" color is gray, as already mentioned at the beginning.

What this means for your wok
As soon as you use your wok for cooking regularly, it will slowly but surely return to its original silver color. This is completely normal and nothing to worry about. Nothing is peeling off here, nor is anything broken or lost - what else? The natural protective patina has no direct color. Always remember, your hand-hammered wok is made of pure steel, nothing else.

In fact, the opposite is true: the initial baking only creates the basic layer of patina. The more you use your wok, the better its natural non-stick coating becomes!

As long as you continue to follow our cleaning instructions , you will enjoy your wok for a long time!

You can find more articles about your wok here: Wok FAQ

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